Crooked Letter CrossFit

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3291 Warrior Dr., D'Iberville, MS 39532



Class Times: CrossFit M-F 5 AM 8 AM 2:45 PM 4 PM 5:15 PM 6:30 PM Olympic Lifting Mon & Wed 5:15 PM Active Tues & Thurs 5:15 PM Open Gym Saturday 9:30 AM CrossFit Kids Mon & Wed 6 PM Sat 9 AM Forging Elite Fitness along the MS coast! I am a CrossFi WHAT IS FITNESS? Merriam Webster's definition: 1. the quality or state of being fit 2. the capacity of an organism to survive and transmit its genotype to reproductive offspring as compared to competing organisms... These definitions leave a lot to interpret right? If you look up the definition of fitness you will most likely find variances of the first definition given: “the quality or state of being fit”, but what does that really mean? Every year CrossFit (the sport of fitness) has something called the CrossFit games. This is where the most elite CrossFit athletes compete at the highest level until one man and one woman earn the title of “fittest on earth”. In order to boast such a title, you would think that one might want some kind of data (measurable, observable, repeatable) to back up such a claim. Now I’m going to explain the definition of FITNESS from the CrossFit community and why we feel comfortable claiming that title over other world class athletes such as power lifters, triathletes, Olympic lifters, gymnasts, etc. CrossFit’s most basic definition of Fitness is: work capacity, across broad time and modal domains (What the hell does that mean right? Keep reading, and I

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